Waterside Grill and Lounge

Restaurant Accessibility

Accessible Route from Hotel’s Accessible Public Entrance to Restaurant

All doorways provide 32” of clear width when open

No interior doors (or exterior doors) require more than 5 lbs to open or there is an automatic door opener

The area on both sides of all doors is level or there is an automatic door opener

On the pull-side of all doors, there is 18” of clear space floor space measured from the door edge with the latch that extends 60” back from the door, or there is an automatic door opener 

On the push side of all doors, there is 12” of clear space floor space measured from the door edge with the latch that extends 48” back from the door, or there is an automatic door opener

No thresholds that exceed 1/4” or 1/2” if beveled with a 1:2 bevel

Path is 36” wide with cross slopes no greater than 2% and a running slope of no greater than 5% or 8.33%

Accessible Restaurant

Entry doorway provides 32” clear width when open at 90 degrees and 5% percent of the restaurant seating at tables and bars meets the following requirements:

Clear space under the table or bar (measured from the front edge of the table or bar) that is at least 30” (W), 19” (D), and 27”(H) (the 30”(w) x 19” 

Top of the surface is between 27” and 34” AFF.

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